Friday, February 18, 2011

Let Kids Be Kids

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.  ~Stacia Tauscher

Someone with interests, with opinions, with questions, and so much more. 

In todays society we have become overly concerned with filling our kids with so much more knowledge at much younger ages than ever before.  Second graders are learning now what some of us did not learn until fourth or 5th grade, High School students are graduating to enroll into college as a second semester sophmore.  Don't get me wrong the opportunities for the future are great for our children, but I'm wondering at what cost?

Class times have been shortened to add extra time for more classes, thus, less time on one subject to make room for another.  This creates more homework, more studying on ones personal time.  I'm not against homework, but there should be a limit.  We limit the kids' time for T.V., for video games, and for computer time, why are we not limiting studies just for the sake to give the kids a little time just to be kids?  Still another way of making more time for more classes, lets cut gym class to 2 or 3 days a week.  What are they thinking?  The nation is preaching everywhere about childhood obesity, yet they take away gym class?  Tell me it's not educational.  In todays society we are not able to allow our children to run outside carefree and enjoy an hour or two.  In most cases people do not even feel safe to just sit outside their homes so children can play.  The physical activity can be made up however in extra curricular activities that kids join, participate in during after school hours.  For instance, both of my children are in activities, by the time they do homework, practices and dinner, it's time for bed and they are more than willing to get there, but with these schedules when have they really had time to be kids?

Kids need to be supported in all their interests, whether it be sports, or arts of some sort, or both.  Education in all areas are important in a childs life but we need to remember, they are children, and burying them with so much with no fun can cause a major burn out long before adulthood.  There needs to be a balance because they will have enough burden when they are adults so lets remember to help them be kids today.

Then again, this is only my opinion.  

(This was originally posted 9-23-10, I apologize for losing the comments while moving it.)

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