Friday, February 18, 2011

A Boiling Point

In todays society I think all too often that all too many have forgotten the art of common courtesy. 

Today for example, while sitting at work I get a phone call from my husband that we are "evicted" from our home while the City is tearing down the old abandoned apartment building next door, effective IMMEDIATELY. 

Okay, I agree that building needs to come down, it's needed to for years.  The City has decided to step in and do it and it's a safety hazzard for us to be around our house while this work is in progress.  However my complaint is the timing and manner of how we were informed about the situation.

We were told at the exact moment that they were already blocking off traffic and securing the area.  They already had equipment there to begin the demolition and we were under the impression that we may not even be allowed to go in for clothes and necessities for the next day.  Nearing the the house, the Fire Chief was outside as my mother in law was leaving her downstairs apartment.  We approached the porch and he stopped us ( at this point I'm thinking he does not really want to tell me I can't go in) and said he would call as soon as it was possible that we could re enter the home.  I explained to him that my main concern was at least one change of clothes for everyone (I could do our laundry need be if we had to stay out longer) and our necesseties, but most importantly my daughters medication.  He explained that I could go up and get all of that right then before they started any work and apologized saying "I'm sorry for the last minute notification, if I would have known sooner, I would have contacted you sooner". 

At this point I'm thinking,  you  mean you didn't know last week when you surrounded the building with caution tape??? I had an idea but no clue as to when this was all going to start and was thinking in my head, oh well someone will notify us.  YEAH RIGHT!  Knowing my temper and nature to argue, I just let it go, went inside and grabbed things I thought we may need, hoping I didn't forget anything.  Now that I think about it, I hope my son won't need his text books that are on the table at home. 

It was the conversation my husband and I had on our ride back to work that really got my blood to boiling.  He told me that earlier when he had spoke to the captain and asked him what if we couldn't find a place for the family to stay for the night at the last minute, the captain replied "The best thing I can do for you is give you the address for the shelter but I don't recommend you staying there unless you absolutely have to."  WHAT??????????? What kind of answer is that?  This is where I'm thinking once again the art of common courtesy is lost.

Could we have not been informed earlier giving us the time to make arrangements?  Could not a better answer been given when my husband asked his question?  Luckily we have friends and family that will make sure we have anything that we need during this time of being out of our home, but what would have happened if we didn't????

(This was originally posted 9-27-10)

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